Recycling Services in Minnesota That Enable the Proper Disposal of Hazardous Waste

What Can We Recycle?

Mercury Technologies of Minnesota, Inc. makes universal waste recycling options for fluorescent lamp, batteries, ballasts and e-wastes easy for you! Contact us for recycling of any of the follow:




Electrical Equipment/E-Wastes

Prepaid Recycling

For your convenience, we have an established prepaid fluorescent light / LED recycling program that is easy, EPA compliant and available throughout the contiguous United States.

Our prepaid program makes light bulb recycling simple – with no hidden charges!

Container sizes

Begin our convenient, economical prepaid mail back recycling program today!

White semi-truck parked in front of a building

Mercury Technologies of Minnesota, Inc.
Pine City Industrial Park, PO Box 13
Pine City, MN 55063-0013

Tel: 800.864.3821 or 320.629.7888
Fax: 320.629.7799

Drop off hours: M-Th 8-4, Fri 8-2:45
For hours outside of these, please contact MTM for scheduling

Request a Pick-Up or Quote

Keep it simple – Schedule your recycling pick-up by completing the form below.